Planning Strategies
The FutureSystem™ Strategies is extremely coordinated and integrated, yet ingeniously uncomplicated, allowing:
- Custom policy design of the parameters and structure specific to an individual’s needs for premium schedule, accumulation, and at risk death benefit need both now and in the future.
- Incorporate definitive estate tax repeal methodology for estate liquidity
- Separation of estate legal planning from estate liquidity planning
- Coordinate estate and financial planning strategies
- Easily make decisions within the FutureSystem™ framework
- Coordinate the FutureSystem™ Planning Strategies of taxation, life insurance design, retirement and estate planning to make dollars do multi-duty.

By comparison, traditional planning techniques lack our “process” of unique strategies, and often lead clients down a path toward single issue product sales with varied and mixed results.
Using these traditional strategies, even accomplished comprehensive planners experience difficulty navigating through the wide range of issues and overwhelming product choices.
The FutureSystem™ Planning Strategies act as a planning blueprint for direction. Planning issues are addressed simultaneously with the resulting decisions based on each asset’s category, type, and purpose. Consequently, attention is not diverted to just one or two issues. Thus, different and/or erroneous conclusions are avoided.
The process of the FutureSystem™ Planning Strategies is the exact sequence of steps to identify and manage a client’s financial issues, to coordinate the strategies, to custom design the life product as necessary, and to formulate solutions to make sure there are no critical planning gaps.
When evaluated within this process, many clients realize their assets have been improperly positioned to meet their goals and lack the desired tax efficiency.