Financial Advisors
Financial Advisors In the very first client meeting the true paradigm shifts offered by the FutureSystem™ Planning Strategies become obvious.
High net worth clients appreciate and demand an advisor who is on their side of the table and works on their behalf. They simply want their problems solved in an atmosphere of trust. Consequently, advisors want their practice and planning processes to align with their clients’ wishes.
Most clients welcome the objectivity and the interactivity of the FutureSystem™ Planning Process. The FutureSystem™ methodology provides the structure and rule sets, the Advisor are the guide, and the client is in total control of driving the outcome. The Advisor’s expertise and experience become important in implementing the re-positioning of assets as the client designates.
The education of the FutureSystem™ planning strategies, theories and processes empower clients with the knowledge and platform to easily make future lifestyle, financial and estate planning decisions. The resulting customized platform achieves a more coordinated and tax efficient plan. Upon completion, client stress and worry are decreased because planning gaps are closed by simultaneously solving financial issues.

Advisor Profile
The profile FutureSystem™ financial advisor is any Registered Representative or Investment Advisor who either currently receives, or wants to transition to receive, part or all of their compensation as an asset based percentage of assets under management (AUM), whether the assets are managed directly or indirectly.
Although a profile FutureSystem™ Advisor comes from many different channels, it is the FutureSystem™ approach to comprehensive planning and compensation from assets under management which provides the link.
- Independent broker dealers’ registered reps
- independent financial planners (RIAs)
- insurance agents
- CPAs
- wirehouse broker dealers
- banks
- trust companies
Some Advisors do not like the lack of transparency and disclosure in life insurance products, or even life insurance companies. Some believe they can do better in the long run with client funds than purchasing life insurance, and have previously been responsible for little insurance production. Some independent financial planners, investment advisors, and their clients do not completely trust that insurance companies or life insurance policies give fair value. Life insurance companies have acquired a poor image in some segments of the high net worth market and with the financial advisors that serve it because of problems such as vanishing premium and exploding life insurance. Advisors do not want to be perceived as having a direct relationship with or an obligation to an insurance company. In the Future System Advisors (FSA) structure, the insurance company is a manufacturer, rather than a seller of product. A client and advisor will do business with a carrier only as long as it gives good value and service. The relationship is not an “agent” relationship of the past. Financial planners and wealth managers who are responsible for and control client assets take the same independent approach with their clients.
The FutureSystem’s™ Life Model and Strategies and are more in line with Independent Advisors’ existing thought patterns and beliefs than traditional life insurance sales practices. Advisors using FutureSystem™ products and strategies will find them easy to integrate without changing current business methods.